Saturday, March 20, 2010

Free Youth Ministry Ideas

“Acting Up In Church”
One Sunday in a Midwest City, a young child was "acting up" during the morning worship hour. The parents did their best to maintain some sense of order in the pew but were losing the battle.
Finally, the father picked the little fellow up and walked sternly up the aisle on his way out.
Just before reaching the safety of the foyer, the little one called loudly to the congregation,
"Pray for me! Pray for me!"
Hot Topix:

“Evolution vs Creation”

With the 200th Anniversary of Darwin’s birth bearing down upon America, the debate over whether Evolution or Creation is correct is the hottest topic in the science and religion communities. Sadly, many people have made a decision to believe in evolution without first getting both sides of the story.
We youth leaders have a heavy burden to provide our students with just that, BOTH sides of the story. We know which side will win but if we want them to not only believe but to know why they believe, we will lay out the evidence for both. So take your class on a journey to discover the truth together. Don’t start freaking out and thinking, “Well I don’t have all the answers!” Begin studying and use the resources at the end of this section to aid in your research, as they are reputable sites. And remember….you don’t have to know all the answers…..just where to find them.
Recently I picked up a copy of “The Charles Darwin Bible” for a few bucks at my local Life way store and Christians everywhere should have at least one copy in your personal library and a few to hand out to those who doubt God because of Darwin’s theories. It is the New Testament but it has the basics of the theory of evolution, Darwin’s beliefs, and common “contradictions” to the Bible throughout its pages.
If you have read my column regularly then you know how much I believe in having regular discussions to learn where your students are on any given topic. This is definitely a discussion topic. Spend 2-3 meeting periods on it and plan on using the first night to allow your teens to share their thoughts, opinions, and experiences with the class and you. Then use the 2nd (and 3rd if you need it) to share both sides of the story. NOW is the time to give your students a clear understanding of this debate so they are prepared to share their faith. And as soon as you can, take your class to The Creation Museum in Northern Kentucky. It is a must see destination for everyone!

A. The Case For Christ video (also comes in book form)


40% of Americans believe in evolution according to a 2005 John D. Miller Michigan State University statistic published on .

Free Resources:

A. The Rebelution – More than likely you have heard about and potentially read Alex and Brett Harris’s The Rebelution. They have added to their website,, articles from a variety of the most respected Christian leaders and will soon be adding video and audio files. All of us should encourage oiur teens to join the rebelution. Buy a copy of the book for each of your students and if you don’t have it in the budget host a fundraiser. It is a must read and it will help give them the courage they need to discover God’s plan for their life.
B. – This isn’t a fancy website but the group uses everyday comedy to bring to life some of the most common struggles we all face. They have ten free ~30 second clips to listen to. Use them as an opening for your youth meetings to grab your teen’s attention. If you are really thrilled with their material order a cd chocked full of them!
C. Parenting Today’s Teens – Founder and Host Mark Gregston gives one minute daily tips throughout the week for parenting teens and on the weekend produces a ~ 30 minute program. Mark and his wife also founded a boarding school and counseling center for struggling teens known as Heartlight Ministries. While the site is geared towards parents, there is plenty of good advice for us youth leaders. You can also use the information you gather from Mark to pass along to the parents of your students. Visit his site at to listen online, read articles, or You can also download his podcast episodes from iTunes.

Encouragement For The Road:

Rejoice in hope, endure in tribulation, and persevere in prayer. Romans 12:12

1 comment:

  1. There does not have to be a contradiction between belief in God and the understanding of fossil and genetic evidence. Evolution, as taught in the public schools, is a theory that teaches that species arose through natural forces only. But this cannot be proved by science. Science cannot prove that God did not intervene and guide the design of the species. Science cannot prove that evolution even occurred because the scientific method does not allow consideration of supernatural causes, so science cannot look at both sides without bias, which is a fundamental requirement for rational proof. You cannot prove anything by looking at only one side, and science cannot look at the creation side of the issue. That is why I say in my website that evolution is a faith. It is not a religious faith, but an anti-religious faith in the sense that it is a chosen belief system that cannot be proved by physical evidence.
